We are Engineers and we are certified Strength and Conditioning coaches: our Coaching methods consist in merging all the different skills and experiences coming from these powerful backgrounds!
Physics, Mathematics, Biomechanics: our passion is Strength Training!
Beast Strength Lab and the Elite
Through Beast Strength Lab we had the pleasure to work with elite athletes and coaches of different sports, from rugby to basketball, volleyball, track and field, all sorts of winter sports, soccer, american football, cycling, powerlifting, bodybuilding, olympic weightlifting, crossfit and counting.
We are now providing this experience to you!
During our Beast Strength Lab experiences we listened to the requests and the needs of the Sports Elite, we successfully delivered our expertise, we coached their athletes and their coaches, we lifted weights with them, we cheered for them and finally, we celebrated with them: from personal best to National, European and World Championships!
We knew that our Beast Sensor was going to provide huge advantages, further we realised how the greatest value came from our relationship with the customers: we brought an innovative Training Method that makes Strength and Conditioning simpler and more effective and everybody can now access this through Velocity and Data.
We’re available for:
Individualised Training Programs
- support in building a customised Training Plan based on your requests and needs
- we make lifting more efficacious, teaching you how to apply the basic rules of Velocity Based Training
- we save your time, energies and injuries by converting your %1RM based program, we also provide objective references to use during your sessions
- results are a matter of time, discipline and consistency for most: we can address the metrics to monitor your progress and your training process
- we teach you simple tips, tricks and strategies to auto-regulate your training independently so you can avoid eccessive fatigue and injuries.
Data Driven Training Strategies for Coaches
- Your Training programs will be more effective: we teach you how to build and apply quick techniques to program and periodise training cycles and plans so you can immediately apply them to your Athletes
- how do you test, build and monitor your athletes through Load Velocity Profiles ? this will increase the value of your work as a coach
- we provide data analysis methods that merges data and metrics coming from others platforms with those of Beast Sensor
This service is dedicated to:
- athletes coming from all levels and experiences that are looking for the best support from remote to reach their goals
- coaches looking for new and advanced training methods. those science-based methods can be applied from remote
- individuals who train regularly and with a purpose and wants to learn or dig deeper into Velocity Based Training
- all the athletes, from semi pro to amateurs, with super intense and stressing lifestyles who just can’t avoid hard training sessions but constantly have to deal with fatigue, lack of time
- students eager to learn how to use data for their research
Evolve your training methods with Efficacy and Cutting-Edge Innovation and get the most from any Strength Session!
If you are interested in Beast Strength Lab Coaching:
- everything starts getting to know each others, through a video call we want to meet you, know your requirements and assess your status to understand how we can improve your lifting sessions or how we can answer your requests
- on this basis, if you are looking for a Training Plan, we will build a customised training program for you, based on your needs and goal oriented. We can create a new program from Scratch or we can just convert what is working for you with metrics like Velocity. We’ll provide support via chat/phone during your training cycle so we can support you: your progress will be constantly monitored.
- as an alternative, we are available for video call consultancy regarding Strength and Conditioning and how to apply Velocity Based Training to your Training Plans.
Beast Sensor is not mandatory for this service although we can provide special offers for those who are interested in purchasing both the sensor and the Coaching.
If you have questions or you want to have further infos before you book your call, please contact us: info@beast-technologies.com